Dear Friends of Sweet Crude:
The news from the Delta has not improved. Please see below for a statement we issued that is going to U.S. lawmakers, diplomatic contacts, NGOs and the media.
Many of you have asked what you can do to help. Please forward our statement widely. If you live in the United States, we’ve also drafted some suggested text you could call in or email to the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, as well as the Senators and Representatives from your own state. In September, 2008 the Foreign Relations Committee held a hearing titled “Resource Curse or Blessing? Africa's Management of its Extractive Industries.” Learn more about the proceedings and read witness transcripts here. After the hearing, Committee Chair Senator Russ Feingold issued a statement on “The resource curse in Nigeria's Niger Delta.” Read it here. This is the right moment for the U.S. government to follow up on those hearings.
Thanks so much for your interest in the Niger Delta. Please help us get the word out before further tragedy befalls the people and their ancestral lands.
Dear [name of lawmaker]:
I am shocked and saddened to learn of the attack on civilians in the Niger Delta by the Nigerian military. It is reported that as many as 500 people were killed and as many as 30,000 are now displaced refugees.
Here is a link to a news report about the situation: War in the creeks: Stop this carnage, say N-Delta leaders. And a recent report by the International Crisis Group: Nigeria: Seizing the Moment in the Niger Delta
I urge you and your fellow U.S. lawmakers to speak out immediately to stop the current bombardment and hold the Nigerian government accountable for its authorization. I ask that you call for:
- An immediate cease fire
- Safe access into the area for humanitarian organizations and journalists – to assure the safety of the refugees, medical treatment for the injured, and an accurate assessment of the conditions and casualties
- An investigation into the attacks
- Action to pave the way for legitimate, third-party-monitored talks
This region is on the brink. Please act before the situation devolves into full-scale war. There is still time to avert another African tragedy.
Contact information:
U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-6225
Majority Phone:
Minority Phone: (202) 224-6797
Senator John Kerry, chair:
Senator Richard Lugar, ranking member:
Senator Russ Feingold:
Other members, Senators:
Christopher J. Dodd
Barbara Boxer
Robert Menendez
Benjamin L. Cardin
Robert P. Casey Jr.
Jim Webb
Jeanne Shaheen
Edward E. Kaufman
Kirsten E. Gillibrand
Johnny Isakson
James E. Risch
Jim DeMint
John Barrasso
Roger F. Wicker